How Many Types of Meditation exist?

     There are various types of meditation, they vary according to tradition and why they are performed. 
Deep, well-practiced meditation can bring many benefits to adherents, and for this to be synergistic, it is very important that you seek out the one who respects and follows your beliefs and culture.

meditation anxiety

What is meditation?

     To explain the types, let's first understand what meditation is.
Many books and practitioners define it as the awakening of man to the connection with the interior, which brings self-knowledge, peace, mental, spiritual and physical control. Thus, it is as if we are disposing ourselves and showing the interest of meeting our best and seeking spiritual peace.

This practice helps you find the path and the motivation to move forward. That is, every time we enter a meditative state we have the opportunity to act in search of our well-being, where silence gives us the encounter of the best answers through our spirit and mind.

Why and how to meditate?

chinese meditation

     It has been scientifically proven that the practice of meditation is beneficial in many ways, bringing a psychological balance to practitioners. Thus there are several aspects: meditation for anxiety, stress, depression, attention deficit, wisdom, calm, etc. With it, it is possible to discern all negative and positive feelings and find a greater balance or sense for everything that happens in our lives.

Therefore, there are countless benefits of meditation, such as:
- Helps contain anger and stress;
- Purifies your energy;
- Evolves understanding;
- Elevates spirituality;
- Promotes well-being;
- Increases productivity, concentration and safety;
- Helps overcome traumas;
- Awakens the mind;
- Motivation;
- Brings inner peace;
- Increases the production of hormones.

Types of Meditation

Buddhist Meditation - Describing it in a basic way: it seeks purification, the focus on life and the understanding of human desires.

Zazen - it means "sitting meditation," as the translation already says, is usually done in the lotus position, that is, sitting cross-legged. And the focus is totally turned on the air movement.

Vipassana - means "clear vision", always aims at concentration, tranquility and research, that is, to take full attention to absolutely everything in the body.
Consciência Plena: neste caso, é uma adaptação das principais e tradicionais práticas budistas e ela vem da concentração intencionalmente do momento presente.

Metta - this word means kindness, kindness and goodwill. This meditation is done sitting with eyes closed and aiming at the feelings quoted.

Hindu Meditation

Mantra (OM) - The mantra is used to enter the meditative state more easily, because due to the transmitted vibration it induces the state of relaxation.
There are some other famous mantras: om, so-ham, branch, yam, ham, om namah shivaya, om mani padme hum and nam myoho renge kyo, etc.

Transcendental - It was introduced by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, being a broader form for meditation established through various sounds.

Yoga - There is in fact one and only meditation with this name, but several Yoga exercises that aid in meditation.

Chinese Meditation

Taoist - It is a philosophical tradition that aims and emphasizes life in harmony. This term means "beginning" or "path".
The main characteristic is the transformation and generation of internal energy, besides there are other diverse techniques of meditation that start from the concentration and visualization. Such as: Respiratory Meditation (Zhuanqi), Emptiness Meditation, Nei Guan (Internal View), Shouyi, Yuanyou, Zuobo and Zuowang.

Chi Kung - It means "cultivation of energy," and part of an exercise that strengthens body and mind for the pursuit of health through meditation. That is, a technique somewhat different because it moves with slow body movements, where the focus will continue on the inner and the breathing.

Christian Meditation

Within this meditation there are 3 others that complete:
Contemplative prayer: repetition of sacred phrases.
Contemplative reading: read and think the teachings of the Bible.
Sitting with God: silently concentrating the mind in the presence of God.

Guided Meditation

      It is a modern practice that is based on all previous traditions. That is: it will only depend on you to create a formula to better focus on a meditation, usually it is guided by a sound and even videos.

Therefore there are several types of meditation, all with their particularity and guided by different traditions. But all of them follow the same goal line as connecting man with his true essence in order to find balance and inner peace.

About the author

Renato Amaral - Admin
Hi There! My name is Renato, but you can call me Reny. I live in Portugal, and I want to thank you for taking your time reading my blog, It really means a lot and motivates me to create more content for you! Follow us on Facebook and feel free to use the contact form to send suggestions!


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