How to recognize a friendship from past Lives

     People pass through our lives all the time, but there are friendships that do not fade, regardless of time and distance. There are also others that you do not know how to explain it, but you feel total confidence from the moment you met them. This feeling can be a friendship of past lives, someone so important that has marked his spirit forever and that in this life, you had the gift of finding it again!

 A Friendship from a Past Life

     Friendship alone is fundamental to the growth of a human being, knowing how to interact and live in society is a way to keep an healthy energy and mind. Spending that time and several experiences alongside good companies is even more important and interesting for the development of each person's "ME".

     An outstanding friend can appear anytime in our path, it may be something from childhood or someone we have discovered along our way during our lifetime. The degree of trust and friendship does not depend exclusively on the time of coexistence, but rather on how much this special person is important, present, and has an affinity with us.

     However, there is that friend, or those friends, indispensable, which you often do not even remember how you met them, who may not even have the similar dreams and ideals as you and think and behave differently, but inexplicably are essential in your life. And as much as destiny forces, there is no forgetting,  worrying or living without their presence. Perhaps these are signs of love from other lives, that in this reincarnation we had the pleasure of rediscovering and following the same path again.

     Finding remnants of past lives lets you know more about yourself. And when this happens on behalf of someone else, who is like a soul mate in your life, it is an even more enjoyable and unforgettable opportunity.

The Reason for the Reunion

     Most of the time this reunion happens because you still have something to live together. Some mission must be completed, there is still something to accomplish and learn with that friend. This experience of evolution can be even the understanding of an emotion or feeling, but it will certainly be something that will allow you to evolve spiritually.

How to Recognize a Friendship from Past Lives

1- The feeling of love at first sight, where that person happens to be, from the moment you know him/her, someone important and that you always remember;

2 - The recognition that you understand yourself better when you are in the company of that person. As if your life was an open book for that friend, and the exchange of information is fluid, it is an incomparable synergy;

3 - You feel the emotional need to establish a bond of friendship with that person. You do not know exactly why, but you feel the need to become his friend;

4 - Another important thing that may occur, though not mandatory, is the presence of this person in your dreams. Dreams function as doors of past lives, where they convey messages from their unconscious when something is necessary to be noticed, or is recognized by their spirit;

     If the person does you good, if the friendship is reciprocal and there is this emotion that indicates the need for closeness, invest in this friendship without fear. There are many mysteries in this life that we will not find logical solutions, so we should take advantage of good companies and great friendships to experience them, unique and indescribable experiences.

     Follow what your spirit asks you, it saves you a lot more than you can imagine and often even understand!

About the author

Renato Amaral - Admin
Hi There! My name is Renato, but you can call me Reny. I live in Portugal, and I want to thank you for taking your time reading my blog, It really means a lot and motivates me to create more content for you! Follow us on Facebook and feel free to use the contact form to send suggestions!


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