Dizi Flute Arrived

My G key Dizi Flute

Hey guys! My Dizi flute Finally arrived yesterday! Only took 20 days from the moment I made the transaction. I bought if from Malaysia in Ebay.

It came in wonderful conditions.

It also came a guide sheet with fingerings, a flute pouch, some "Dimo" (resonance membrane) and some "E Jiao" (glue to paste the Dimo).

Dizi flute
It just felt like Christmas opening that package :3

I tried it and at first I couldn't even make a sound. I won't be using the Dimo, but translucent thin tape in the second hole. (The one right to the blowing hole)

I'll get myself into customizing it a little, and maybe make a blog post about it for you! 

Hugs and kisses,

About the author

Renato Amaral - Admin
Hi There! My name is Renato, but you can call me Reny. I live in Portugal, and I want to thank you for taking your time reading my blog, It really means a lot and motivates me to create more content for you! Follow us on Facebook and feel free to use the contact form to send suggestions!


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